To complete your booking request and get your ‘Final Confirmation’
please complete the following 3 steps.
(First page)
(Second page)
(This page)
Thank You!
That’s it [as what= “Name”] we’re all done.
Thanks for confirming the event and remitting the deposit!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this online process and if you have any suggestions or comments please let me know. I would appreciate your feedback!
I also wanted to let you know your final confirmation email is on it’s way. In it, you will find your final confirmation, a copy of the performance agreement, and an invoice reflecting your paid deposit.
Have you checked out the Frequently Asked Questions page? If not, now is a good time.
I will arrive 15-20 minutes early prior to time of performance to set up equipment. Video taping and/or taking flash pictures of the performance is highly encouraged, as long as it is not used for commercial purposes and you share with me.
DUE TO MY HEAVY PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE THE SHOW MUST BEGIN PROMPTLY AT THE AGREED UPON TIME. In addition, the event must begin at least 30 minutes prior to show start time to insure all guest have arrived. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Your final payment is to be made on the day of the event in the form of cash (preferred), PayPal, Visa, Master-card, Discover, or American Express card. I no longer accept personal checks.
One last thing, due to liability issues, I do ask that all of the children (if attending) be supervised at all times by a responsible adult (besides me). I simply can’t be held responsible for supervising them. This is to protect you, the children and me.
If you have any questions between now and your event, please feel free to contact me directly.
Thanks a lot and I look forward to seeing you soon!